The Keller Lions Club is part of Lions International, a service-centered civic organization dedicated to eyeglass collection and distribution, hunger initiatives, child cancer among others for over 100 years. At a local level, the Keller Lions Club concentrates our service efforts to those in the Keller Community. 75 years ago, when the Keller Lions Club was founded, Keller was unincorporated and less than 1,000 residents. As Keller grew, so did the Keller Lions Club and we are proud of our 75 members who volunteer their time and labor to serve the Keller community. We support our local scout troops, conduct food drives, sponsor the eyeglass recycling center, and fund numerous education initiatives including 4H, FFA and scholarships to name a few. Every year, we send a delegation to the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, TX, and volunteer to get the camp ready for the next group of campers. The Texas Lions Camp provides a camp for children with disabilities including diabetes so these k...